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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Consequences of parent breaching an access/visitation/contact order

I get a lot of questions from parents asking what can be done about another parent who breaches a court order for access/visitation/contact.

The simple answer to that is filing an application for contempt of court. Contempt of court is basically an act of deliberate disobedience of, or disregard for the instructions of a Judge.

In today's Trinidad and Tobago Newsday newspaper, there is an article with the headline Mom faces jail if she fails to give up son to ex-husband.

In the article, Dianne Dabiedeen, refused to allow the father, Rajpat Dabiedeen to have access on weekends and during school holidays to their 14-year-old son, Richard Matthew Dabiedeen.

The order, which was made in March 2014 was never followed, so Rajpat filed a "Contempt of Court" application.

As a result of that application and hearing, Dianne must now follow the order or face seven (7) days in jail.

Which option do you think she'll choose?


  1. Is it possible to get a restraining order filed against another individual, i.e. someone you are not in a relationship with?

  2. If we have some rights by the legislative assembly. It our prior responsibility to obey those laws and acts. Misuse of any act whether it is misuse of 498a or misuse of domestic violence act must be considered as a punishable offence.

  3. Can a parent breach an order if it's in the best interest of the child; if the. Hilda is being physically abused by her father and one has evidence of that by bruises, marks and even by a medical report.

    1. Breaching a court order is contempt of court.


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