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Sunday 18 January 2015

W.A.S.A. damage claims

Q: What can I do if my vehicle gets damaged due to W.A.S.A. roadworks? Who's responsible for my compensation?

A: In 2012, W.A.S.A. set up a Claims Management Unit (C.M.U.) to deal with these situations. Under the C.M.U., a Public Liability Claims (P.L.C.) department was established to receive  and investigate damages to vehicles or property and personal injury as a result of W.A.S.A.'s negligence.

Here is the claims process:

  1. A letter must be sent to the Legal Services Department, Farm Rd. St. Joseph, Trinidad. 
  2. The letter must include: date, time, location, extent of damage (pictures), estimates, details of incident.
  3. It's then sent to P.L.C. for processing and forwarding to Investigators
  4. Investigators go out to determine the validity of the claim
  5. The time frame for the report from the Investigators should take 10 days, but...
  6. When P.L.C. receives report, it should be processed within 5 days and sent back to the Legal Department to determine whether or not W.A.S.A. will accept liability and pay the claim. 
The numbers to contact them are: 645-6548 or 662-2303-7

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